Preference Management Platform

Personalized Customer Preference Journeys

Preference Management Platform

Personalized Customer Preference Journeys

Stop guessing - ask customers what they want

An exceptional user experience starts with quality data. Gather customers choices straight from the source, and leverage that zero-party data to generate revenue.
Didomi is leader in G2
Preference Management Platform

OUR Strengths

A global leader in consent and privacy, Didomi helps companies put customers in control of their data, generating trust, privacy-conscious growth and, ultimately, revenue.

The future is cookieless

Deploy customer preference widgets to gather zero-party data, skipping the cookies by asking your customer directly for their choices around marketing, communication and topics of interest.

Who better than your users to power your marketing strategy?

Offer unique and highly branded experiences that delight customers and keep them coming back, on all devices and domains.

Reach out where and when it matters

Engage your customers at any point in their journey, with full page displays, embedded form or specific-purpose preference widgets.

We have chosen a multi-brand approach, which means that the Preference Center is offered to all our customers on our different platforms for our different brands.
Sylvain Armand
Digital & Data IT Project Manager, PVCP Group
The main advantage of Didomi is the customer service, the onboarding has been brilliant and the documentation is really clear, it’s easy to put in place.
Bethany Randall
Head of Web Analytics & CRO at Abeille Assurances
The tool is really very, very simple, and on top of that, being able to configure the consent banner as much as you like, to make it appear either through a pop-up or to have it sticky on the ...
Laurent Zhang
Head of digital Free/iliad

Empower your customers with privacy-first interactions that generate business value

All customers have preferences - why not listen?

Make your customers the center of their own journey

Create personalized pages for your customers to provide their communication preferences, or ask them for specific information on the fly using widgets. Gather quality, consented data that keeps each experience unique and continually strengthens the bond with your brand.

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Preference Management Platform

Gather the really rich data for marketing ROI

Give your customers the power to choose

Give your customers the power to choose

Boost marketing performance with hyper-personalized experiences

Asking users for their interests and preferences directly eliminates irrelevant messaging, reduces email unsubscribes and ensures more engaged and loyal customer base.

User choice metrics across your business

Continuously refine your engagement strategies thanks to direct insight

Leverage built-in analytics on customer choices and preferences on a wide range of parameters such as selection rate, average choice and device.

Didomi's support

Privacy UX expertise

Hands-on Customer Success team

Didomi takes a consulting-based approach to ensure that each of our customers can maximize our solutions, backed by highly responsive tech support team.

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One platform designed for Privacy UX

Single source of customer choices

Unify customer choices in one powerful platform purpose-built for consent and privacy UX, including consent histories, analytics and compliance reporting.

Didomi Global Privacy UX Solutions
native integrations, custom connectors and flexible API options

Streamlined across your tech stack

Distribute customer choices across your business

Maximize the value of customer choices with native integrations, custom connectors and flexible API options.

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Questions about our Preference Management Platform?

Our expert Joshua Revan will be happy to help.

Contact Joshua