Your Google certified CMP Partner

Gold tier partner


Implement Consent Mode, protect your ad performance

Since March 2024, to use Google Ads for audiences and measurement in Europe, you'll need to share data via Google Consent Mode v2 with a certified CMP.
Didomi is a Certified Google CMP Gold Partner

Supporting Google Consent Mode

Fast, easy implementation for Google Consent Mode v2

Get started quickly with our easy-to-use consent notice wizard and deploy a Google-ready web banner in minutes.

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Didomi CMP easy integration with Google Consent Mode v2

OUR Strengths

Effortless setup

Seamless web integration without additional code or configuration required.

Best-in-class support

Quick turnaround, with dedicated channels and 24hr response for google advertisers.

Proven reliability

Built-in checks ensure your implementation works as intended.

The best CMP choice
for Google advertisers

Gold tier partner

Certified gold tier partner for Consent Mode v2

For better ad tracking with Google, implement Consent Mode v2 with a gold-tier CMP partner. This ensures easy setup, optimal data, and compliance without extra code.

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Didomi is a Certified Google CMP Gold Partner
Your Google certified CMP Partner

Certified across platforms

Google certified CMP partner for web, apps, and CTV

Starting in July 2025, advertisers will need to use a Google certified CMP for CTV as well. Didomi has been certified for web, apps, and CTV.

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Word from our CEO

“We are grateful to be recognized as one of the top consent management providers in the industry by Google, an exciting achievement which cements our position as a key player and a premium choice for organizations looking to implement comprehensive, effective consent collection practices.

Consent has emerged as a cornerstone of digital activities and will continue to be the main legal basis as data protection regulations continue to grow globally, and consumers rightfully demand that their rights are respected and enforced.”

Romain Gauthier
Co-founder and CEO at Didomi
Read the press release
Your Google certified CMP Partner

Protect your advertising performance

Maintain ad performance and conversion modeling

Google Consent Mode adjusts data collection from Google tags based on user consent. This approach provides insights into campaign conversions and other data while respecting users' consent for advertising and analytics cookies.

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Didomi is a Certified Google CMP Gold Partner
"On average, around 65% of conversions are recovered with Consent Mode that would have been lost without Consent Mode if the user did not consent."
Your Google certified CMP Partner
Didomi - Support

Trusted experts

Best-in-class support and expertise

Didomi is well known in the industry for its top-tier support. Our experts provide quick, personalized assistance to ensure smooth implementation and help you achieve your business goals.

I'm very happy with the platform, I find it easy to use and there's a lot we can do.
Julien Declerq
Tech SEO Specialist at Gaming1
The tool is really very, very simple, and on top of that, being able to configure the consent banner as much as you like, to make it appear either through a pop-up or to have it sticky on the ...
Laurent Zhang
Head of digital Free/iliad
The advantage with Didomi's CMP is that we can centralize consent management by screen: mobile, TV & App.
Jean-Baptiste Viet
Web Analytics Project Manager

The premium CMP choice
for user consent

Multi-regulation consent management

Easily manage global consent requirements, wherever your users are located

Collect, store, and respect user consent across multiple global regulations.
Dynamically adjust language (50+ available) and regulations based on user location.

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Consent Management Platform

Key CMP features
for Marketers and Advertisers

Robust customization

Customize banners to align with your brand and improve consent and opt-in rates.

User-friendly platform

With intuitive tools and clear guidance, users can quickly achieve their goals.

IAB TCF 2.2 integration

Fully integrated with the IAB Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF).

Advanced compliance monitoring

Discover the trackers and vendors across your websites and quickly identify compliance issues.

Advanced analytics

Understand and optimize the impact of consent across all regions and regulations of business.


Gather consent wherever your users are - web, mobile, CTV and for regulations around the world.

Questions about the impact of Google consent mode v2?

Our expert Joshua Revan will be happy to help.

Contact Joshua

Related resources


Master Google's Consent Mode v2

Learn more
Blog post

Google consent mode v2: what you need to know

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Configure Google Consent Mode with Didomi

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