Is your website GDPR compliant?

Is your website GDPR compliant?

Put it to the test with our compliance report

Didomi helps 1100+ companies in 100+ countries to manage their consent and compliance challenges every day.
Didomi - test your compliance

Don't leave compliance to chance
Try our free scan and report

Didomi - test your compliance

Total Tracker Insight

Discover exactly how many trackers and vendors are actively collecting data on your site.

Test your compliance
Didomi - GDPR

Tracker Diversity Analysis

Identify the types of trackers in operation, enabling a deeper understanding of data collection mechanisms affecting user privacy.

Test your compliance
Didomi - test your compliance

Origin Mapping

Uncover the geographical origins of each tracker, crucial for GDPR compliance in managing international data transfers.

Test your compliance
Didomi - test your compliance

Initiator Identification

Determine which vendors have initiated trackers on your site, offering targeted insights for refining data governance.

Test your compliance

Privacy & protection is our priority

No data leaves the European Union (EU)

We proudly keep all our data securely stored within the European Union. This ensures your information enjoys the gold standard of privacy and protection, in line with the EU's stringent regulations.

Test your compliance
Didomi - No data leaves the European Union (EU)

The most  trusted solution for compliant use of cookies and online tracking

Privacy breach detection

Stay in control of vendor and tracker activity, with analytics and alerts so you can proactively react to potential violations, avoid fines and protect your reputation.

Scalable consent management

Streamline and manage consent for all privacy regulations, across multiple channels, devices, frameworks and touchpoints.

Privacy Request management

Providing a simple way for users to exercise their rights improves overall experience and fosters a positive perception of your business as transparent, compliant and privacy-first.

Trusted for our expertise and Support

An ongoing customer journey

There's a reason why Didomi is the market leader in privacy and consent UX: we offer hand-in-hand support for both tech and compliance knowhow.

G2 ranks Didomi as #1 CMP provider

Didomi's Consent Management platform (CMP) has been ranked at the top of the G2 2023 Summer Report. Didomi has also achieved Leader status in G2's Data Privacy Management Software category for the first time, for providing comprehensive solutions for managing privacy programs and helping our customers comply with privacy laws and regulations.

Ease of Use
Average: 9.0
Quality of support
Average: 9.0
Ease of setup
Average: 8.6

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do I need to comply with GDPR?
What if I ignore GDPR compliance?
Can I customize my cookie banner?

Still wondering if your website is GDPR compliant?

Take our free data privacy audit and swap guesswork for guaranteed peace of mind!

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