Case studies chooses Didomi's expertise in managing sensitive data
Case studies
new chooses Didomi's expertise in managing sensitive data




Clara Verglas

min read


April 16, 2024


Clara Verglas

10 min read
Summary is an online appointment booking and teleconsultation company dedicated to improving access to healthcare for all. The company, which operates exclusively on the French market, is heavily invested in the field of artificial intelligence. Their site attracts between 2 and 3 million visitors a month.

Olivier Menir, President of, talks about the collaboration between and Didomi to ensure the security and protection of personal and health data, while maintaining a seamless user experience.





Challenge : ensure the security and protection of sensitive data


For, the management and protection of personal data is a priority, especially when the data being processed is sensitive data linked to users' health.

In order to provide users with the necessary transparency and ensure data collection compliance, the team pays particular attention to the wording of their site's privacy policies, as well as to the listing of all processing operations for which they act as data controller. This may be the management of user accounts, the management of the accounts of healthcare professionals with whom they work, or anything else they provide as public health information to their users.


“This mission represented a major effort for our team and continues to require a weekly commitment, which is an essential part of our work.”

- Olivier Menir, President of


In addition, also exposes practitioner data. The GDPR imposes a strict framework around this data, particularly around the modification and deletion of information, since the company is also a directory of healthcare professionals.

Ultimately, their challenge was to manage their patients' personal data and healthcare professionals' nominative data and ensure its security. The company needed to find a robust solution that could efficiently manage consent management, ensuring compliance without compromising user engagement or trust.


Solution : implementation of Didomi’s CMP for efficient and secure consent management carried out a benchmark with various companies that had expertise in the market and were able to respond effectively to their needs.

The company was looking for support that would help them implement cookie banners and understand consent management, skills they didn't have in-house. The idea of being able to outsource and rely on a recognized player was one of the priorities of Olivier Menir, President of

Following a market analysis, the team decided to implement Didomi's Consent Management Platform. Initially, they adopted a classic approach by integrating the standard solutions provided by Didomi, before making targeted adjustments to communicate their key messages better.


The key point to highlight is the constant support provided by Lucille Dumas, Didomi's Senior Customer Success Manager, throughout this process. This close collaboration is essential, as it ensures that the legal risk is minimized in their approach - an absolute priority for them. What's more, Didomi's suggested modifications have also been pre-tested and comply with legal requirements, ensuring a reliable and secure implementation.


"What I really appreciate is not only the personalized support, but also the quality and clarity of the documentation made available to us. Constant updating is essential. Their proactive approach makes all the difference."

- Olivier Menir, President of


Right from the start of their partnership with Didomi, the team benefited from dedicated training, reinforcing their understanding and application of regulatory standards, an absolute priority for them. This reflects their desire to remain at the forefront of compliance and safety. For them, the expertise provided by Didomi is an invaluable asset, affirming the importance they place on accessing specialized advice and cutting-edge knowledge.



Follow-up meetings are organized once or twice a year, a rhythm that perfectly suits the needs of the team. What's more, in the event of significant regulatory changes, a proactive approach is adopted: they are then invited to update and discuss the changes, thus ensuring perfect compliance in all circumstances.

Finally, the president of notes the usefulness of Didomi's newsletter, as it provides them with information to optimize their practices and informs them of the latest legislative updates.


Results : optimize consent rates and boost user confidence


For, it's crucial to maintain a consent rate in line with industry expectations, while avoiding losing patients to their site. With a consent rate of 82%, they see this performance as particularly positive in today's competitive environment. If you'd like to learn more about market trends, download Didomi's latest benchmark on consent collection in 2024.




This figure takes on an even more significant dimension in the healthcare sector, where transparency around data confidentiality and processing is essential. This is a real asset, reinforcing users' trust in their platform. Following the implementation of Didomi's recommendations, they have seen a noticeable increase in the consent rate on their site.

"This solution is now an integral part of our service offering, enabling us to communicate clearly on data protection issues from the moment patients arrive on our website. For me, this is a real advantage"

- Olivier Menir, President of


The President looks forward to a long-term collaboration with Didomi, expressing an interest in exploring Didomi's Global Privacy UX Solutions, aligned with their interest in innovation and artificial intelligence.

If you would like to find out more about Didomi's Global Privacy UX Solutions, please contact our teams.

