Every quarter, we bring you an exclusive recap of what we’ve been building at Didomi and a sneak peek at our roadmap for the coming months.
For the Fall 2023 edition of our quarterly product update series, we’ll be going over what happened these past few months, what is new for Didomi since our last update, and what we have in store for the rest of the year.
Note: One of the standouts from last quarter was our discussion with NOYB co-founder and data privacy activist Max Schrems.The Austrian lawyer joined our CEO Romain Gauthier and Marie Fenner, Global SVP Analytics at Piano, for a conversation on the complexities of EU-US data transfers, the impact of privacy on advertising and analytics, and how to harmonize marketing with user privacy.
You can find the replay of the event here:

Introducing Global Privacy UX Solutions
One of the biggest news stories of the last quarter was the announcement of Global Privacy UX Solutions.
In an extensive blog post and video, our CEO Romain Gauthier covered the changes and the reasons behind this evolution, reiterating our mission as well as our vision for the data privacy industry, which our Global Privacy UX Solutions will play a major part in.

Global Privacy UX Solutions are designed around a Privacy UX approach for organizations worldwide, including 3 core use cases to help them build great experiences:
- Multi-regulation consent management, to manage consent for privacy regulations around the world, streamlined across multiple user touchpoints.
- Privacy governance, to monitor vendor and tracker activity across hundreds of websites, effortlessly and automatically staying compliant and reducing risk.
- User privacy journeys, to reach out to customers beyond cookies, with the flexibility to compliantly manage user choices and requests at all stages of their journey.
These use cases are supercharged by the strong value-added capabilities that Didomi is known for: reliable integrations and connectors, gold-standard security and access management, and premium services.
To learn more about Global Privacy UX Solutions, head to our dedicated post:
Didomi product news: Fall 2023
Last summer was busy at Didomi, with some exciting product updates coming to life.
Updates in the Didomi Console
The team at Didomi constantly strives to improve our offering, keep up with new industry trends, and help our customers provide the best possible Privacy UX experience for users around the world.
Here are just some of the enhancements that we’ve added to power up your Didomi Console:
- Québec's Law 25 is now available: Didomi customers can now deploy Law 25 compliant consent banners as part of our multi-regulation consent management offering. The feature is currently available as part of our GDPR setting, with the full version coming soon! For more information, visit our help center.
- CMP integration with mParticle: Didomi and mParticle’s Customer Data Platform (CDP) have joined forces to help maximize data collection efforts and create truly unique and compliant user experiences. Check out our blog post for the full breakdown of the integration.
- One-Time Password (OTP) authentication for Preference Centers: Didomi now provides added security for Preference Center access. Didomi customers leveraging OTP can send a unique log-in code to end-users via email, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
Helping video game publishers comply with Google’s new CMP requirements
When Google announced its new CMP requirements earlier this year, the news caused quite a stir in the advertising industry. In essence, the new rules state that:
- You must collect their consent if you serve ads to users in the European Economic Area (EEA) and the UK.
- Going forward, you'll now need to use a specific platform that Google has vetted, like Didomi has been.
This is particularly relevant for game publishers because, for the most part, the video game industry has historically been unable to incorporate advanced privacy practices into their interfaces. However, since many of them rely on advertising, they now have no choice but to get on board.
Our CEO Romain Gauthier was already prefacing this trend in 2020 when we first launched our Unity SDK:
“The Gaming industry has always been at the forefront of User Experience. For years, game developers have put tremendous resources into their user onboarding and first steps, realizing that the value they provide needed to be delivered in an organized fashion to their new users to create engagement.
In this context, few game developers have managed so far to incorporate complex privacy frameworks such as GDPR into their games as they lacked a correct way to adapt its principles to fit into their rich environments.”
- Romain Gauthier, Co-founder and CEO at Didomi (25 June 2020 - source: Didomi newsroom)
Didomi is excited to continue helping game publishers in their compliance efforts and in building comprehensive Privacy UX for players. To learn more, check out our dedicated article on how to comply with Google's CMP requirements as a gaming publisher.
Didomi was named a Leader in the G2 Fall Report in two categories

Once more, we are delighted to share that Didomi led the pack in several categories in G2’s seasonal report, celebrating some of the best software solutions on the market based on user reviews.
We are delighted to have been chosen as a Leader in the Consent Management Platform and Data Privacy Management provider categories, among hundreds of other solutions. According to reviews provided on G2, our main strengths include:
- Quality of support
- Ease of use
- Continuous improvements
Our team's commitment and our clients' valuable feedback made this success possible. To read our publicly available reviews and explore the various grids we're featured in, head on over to G2.
Didomi now supports the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) V2.2 requirements
Last but certainly not least, the requirements for the leading digital publishing and advertising standard, the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) V2.2, were communicated by IAB Europe earlier this year.
All participants are expected to comply by November 20, 2023.
Our team has been working with TCF participants to ensure that everything is ready for Didomi customers who choose to enroll in the framework, and we are happy to announce that the TCF v2.2 is now available in the Didomi Console.
To learn more about the TCF v2.2, what the changes are, and how to reach compliance before the November 20th deadline, we’ve prepared a dedicated blog post:
What’s next? Sneak peek at our product roadmap
Winter is coming, and while the last quarter was certainly rich in news from our side, we still have a lot we want to deliver by the end of the year.
Without revealing too much, here is a sneak peek at some of the updates you can expect before 2023 is up:
- Integration with more industry frameworks and standards: in the wake of the TCF v2.2, we will continue to incorporate support for more industry standards in our solutions (more info coming soon)
- Support for new regulations: as our industry landscape continues to evolve, we plan to add new regulations to our Console, including some of the latest data privacy laws in the United States
We are excited to tell you more in the coming months. Until then, we wish you a pleasant fall season, and as usual, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns - or simply need help with your data privacy challenges.