Date privacy benchmark 2024 | Spain

Data Privacy benchmark: Consent collection in Spain in 2024

Date privacy benchmark 2024 | Spain

Data Privacy benchmark: Consent collection in Spain in 2024

Consent banner performance

Consent banner performance in Spain by device, environment, industry.

What is the best consent banner format in Spain?

Understanding the Impact of the AEPD updated guidelines.

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Date privacy benchmark 2024 | Spain

Data Privacy benchmark: Consent collection in Spain in 2024

Data Privacy benchmark: Consent collection in Spain in 2024

Data Privacy benchmark: Consent collection in Spain in 2024

Consent banner performance

Consent banner performance in Spain by device, environment, industry.

What is the best consent banner format in Spain?

Understanding the Impact of the AEPD updated guidelines.

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Sergio Gomez
Country Manager Iberia/LATAM at Didomi
"Our team at Didomi has seen the profound change driven by the latest guidelines from the AEPD on the Spanish market firsthand. Regulatory changes have the potential to have an impact almost overnight on organizations' and publishers’ business models”
Sergio Gomez
Country Manager Iberia/LATAM at Didomi