
Data Privacy benchmark: Consent collection in 2023


Data Privacy benchmark: Consent collection in 2023

Privacy indicators

Overview of essential metrics like consent rate, choice rate, and opt-in rate.

Impact of consent banners

How different banner formats influence user decisions.

Regional and industry insights

Variations in consent performance across countries and sectors.

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Data Privacy benchmark: Consent collection in 2023

Data Privacy benchmark: Consent collection in 2023

Data Privacy benchmark: Consent collection in 2023

Understand the key concepts behind privacy analytics and consent metrics.

Privacy indicators

Overview of essential metrics like consent rate, choice rate, and opt-in rate.

Impact of consent banners

How different banner formats influence user decisions.

Regional and industry insights

Variations in consent performance across countries and sectors.


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Romain Gauthier
CEO & Co-founder
"In this whitepaper, we share our learnings about the state of data privacy consent in 2023, and the trends we’ve observed over the past years, from the best-performing consent banner format to Google Consent Mode, cookie walls, and more. We hope this will be of interest and are excited about another great year in data privacy."
Romain Gauthier
CEO & Co-founder