Date privacy benchmark 2024

Data Privacy benchmark: Consent collection in 2024

Date privacy benchmark 2024

Data Privacy benchmark: Consent collection in 2024

Consent banner performance

In Europe by country, device, environment, industry.

What is the best consent banner format?

So you can better understand where your performance stands.

Understanding Google Consent Mode V2

And the Impact of TCF v2.2.

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Date privacy benchmark 2024

Data Privacy benchmark: Consent collection in 2024

Data Privacy benchmark: Consent collection in 2024

Data Privacy benchmark: Consent collection in 2024

Consent banner performance

In Europe by country, device, environment, industry.

What is the best consent banner format?

So you can better understand where your performance stands.

Understanding Google Consent Mode V2

And the Impact of TCF v2.2.


* Campos obligatorios

Valid number
Romain Gauthier
CEO & Co-founder
"Didomi benchmarks are always highly anticipated. We are delighted to offer yet again access to our valuable aggregated data, helping organizations around the world assess the performance of their privacy efforts."
Romain Gauthier
CEO & Co-founder